Dear Bridgeland MUD Resident,
On Tuesday, August 22, 2023, Water Treatment Plant #2 began experiencing power related issues due to a bird flying into the power line. The partial power failure has caused a reduction in groundwater production capacity and results in low water volume and pressure throughout the community.
We are currently working with Centerpoint to resolve the issue. While repairs are underway, we kindly ask the community to be mindful in conserving water. Water Treatment Plant #2 currently provides water to Harris County Municipal Utility Districtā€™s No. 419, 489, 490, 491, and 493. Please be advised, there are no health and safety concerns.
Additional notification will be provided as circumstances return to normal operations. Please reach out to Inframarkā€™s Customer Service at (281) 579-4500, should you have any questions or concerns.
Mackenzie Osborne
Account Manager