Dear Bridgeland Residents,
As a reminder, there is a planned outage on Saturday, May 15, 2021. The water will be off, planned for a 6-hour window between 9 am and 3 pm. We will restore service as soon as the upgrades are complete.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of Harris County MUD #419, we are sharing the key determining factors behind the schedule for this planned water outage.
- The service outage heavily effects Harris County MUD 489, which provides water to schools in the community. This limits our scheduling window, as a planned outage cannot occur while students are in session.
- This project specifically involves hazardous electrical wiring. To protect the safety of our employees, the work is best performed during daylight hours.
Please reach out to Inframarkā€™s Customer Service at (281) 579-4500, should you have any questions or concerns.